Hari Isnin ini brmula 1 lg khidupan baru di mana temuduga pertama bakal dihadapi..terasa juga getarannya di dalam jiwa ini..smoga umi nazrah mampu melakukannya...
Pelik jgk terkadang mlihat keadaan sstengah adik bradik yg tidk mghargai sesama mereka. pdhal mereka adalah adik bradik kndung..mngapa mesti benci mmbenci..mereka adalah sedarah dan sedag...
Anyone around Kulim, just come to Celcom Kiosk at LONGWAN, LUNAS..we are doing hand phone promotion with a lower price...
Bored day..
22/04/0815:44a bored day to go through...meanwhile, currently there have no more customer come to buy any hand phone yet..er...
Nazra Journal
as i wrote on 29/03/0809:01just turn on my celcom nmber..suddently i received a missed call notification sms. someone called my celcom nmber from shah alam.last few months i applied some job application with my celcom nmber and now i'm not using it actively. erm is it a call about aninterview invitation? unfortunately, only on this monday i'll know if "they" call me once again..pity on me!22:45what...
Nazra Journal
as i wrote on 23/03/08i dont know when but yet i still believe that when the full moon (15th on Muslim calendar) comes around, my throat are hardlyin pain. then i start to tell myself that maybe this incident are just a coincidence at all. but what can i expect more..nothing.Just some wish to release my pain with taking some Strepsils..as i wrote on 24/03/03taking a steps ahead to relaxs on my own.1)be...
Nazra Journal
As I wrote on 15/03/0806:09I can't remembered when i'm fall asleep last night..but at this moment, everything are dark because of a blackout!08:02what a beautiful morning. but still there are no electricity and life get more harder without it. i have to adimt.because of that, i can't blend a coconut milk to pour it in my "masak lemak cili padi"..poor on me..10:43fortunately, electricity works as usual...
Nazra Journal
As I wrote on 14/03/0811:48another boring day, i thought..there's nothing important i did on this day..just being as a housewife for a while..just for this moment, i keen to watch anak pontianak series. 4 episodes more to goes..and i haven't yet watch heroesseason 2 series..16:33now i'm already finished watch anak pontianak series! happy with it..and right how i can't wait to look further for its...