My daily journal..

As i wrote on 26th February 200811.30 amAfter a long time i've not spent my time in writing my journal..but this is no-format-journal =]i just do it my way..typing what i like to..h0h0Today i dont have to work. PLKN trainee went to camping for 3D2N..what a beautiful day i have =]but there a lot of resume n cover letter i need to do..n to surfing n filling online form application..arghhhh..feel depressed...
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My daily journal..

As i wrote on 19/02/0812.13 amSaat ini sdg mencuba utk mgaktifkan hotlink super savers..asyik tak boleh saja..hurm..sejam tempoh brcakap brnilai rm2..alangkah best nya jikalau sprt ketika mula d perkenalkan dulu. 12jam hanya utk rm2.Arghhh bosan nya menaip..Aku ingin internet..Aku ingin gaji..Aku ingin keluar..Aku ingin wang............................03.30 amthere were so many wrong spelling n format...
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My daily journal..

As i wrote on 16/02/08Permulaan hari baru. Aku masih menaip di sini..mndengar lagu band Hujan. Betapa insan trsayang amat mminati genre irama sbegini ini..hinggakan aku rasa trend rambut nya telah klihatan umpama vokalis Hujan..namun maaf ya, patern rambut vokalis nya lebih smart. Namun kamu pn apa kurang nya jugak..(ini bukn utk mmbodek insan trsayang aku..hehe)Trpaksa aku himpun segala catatan aku...
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My daily journal..

As i wrote on 15/02/08Entah mengapa coretan kali ini adalah di dalam bahasa ibundaku. Mungkin kerana peralihan emosi..emosi yg semakin tidak keruan.Betapa emosiku begitu berceramuk ketika ini. Ingin rasanya aku brlari ke tmpt yg lain drpd tmpt ini. Bukn tidak mnyukai tmpt ini,cuma aku ingin mncari corak hidup yg brlainan. Di sini tenang, namun gelodak rasa hati yg mncari arus yg mncabar begitu terasa...
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How to Hide the drives(c:,d:,e:,a:...etc) in My Computer

1.Go to start->run.Type regedit.Now go to:HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\ExplorerNow in the right pane create a new DWORD item and name it NoDrives(it is case sensitive). Now modify it's value and set it to 3FFFFFF (Hexadecimal) .Now restart your computer. So, now when you click on My Computer, no drives will be shown(all gone...). To enable display of drives...
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Speed up Booting Xp by 61 Times

run -> msconfig - Hit EnterAwesome tricks Explained here for u Free! Whenever you start your computer, you are faced with a few moments of thumb twiddling while Windows XP boots and prompts you to log on. Although you should expect to wait for a few moments, sometimes Windows XP seems to boot rather slowly. In fact, you may notice that over a period of time the PC that used to roar to life seems...
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