Age 4?

what u can do when u are in the age 4? still eat?or start to know ABC?start to speak English with parent?here an example what a children in the age of 4 create a poemWhat in the WorldWhat in the world is going on?I have a feeling I am dead.What in the world is going on?I picked up a person...
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my 1st interview..

tomorrow I'll have my 1st interview ever..some of kind of freak, to be honestly..because i don't imagine to have an interview as earlier as this..actually, I'm in for this interview because my house mate asked me n other house mate to accompany her tomorrow due to that she's have to go...
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why people love to forward any msg?there's a msg in frenzster,there's a msg in myspace,there's a msg in mail..among them,only msg in mail sometimes a little bit interestingin myspace,the msg got to be a weird..i don't even understand their forward msg..*si...
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yesterday i started search n sent my resume/application for a jobit's quite difficult a bit as every company need a person who have an experiencebut i managed to find company that want a fresh graduatehowever, just give a chance to every resume/application..hope there is a fate for...
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Spice Girls Back!

The Spice Girls have released their long-awaited single! It is titled Headlines (Friendship Never Ends).for me,first time I listened to their "Headlines" song,it's quite disappointed..because i thought that song got to be as fabulous as their previous song. the song are more slow-tempo of melody.however,...
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Erra and Engku Emran wed

Happy couple: Erra and Engku Emran posing for photographs after the akad nikah ceremony in Kuala Lumpur yesterday. KUALA LUMPUR: Singer-actress Erra Fazira tied the knot with SuriaFM chief operating officer Engku Emran Engku Zainal Abidin. The akad nikah ceremony was held at a restaurant in Damansara...
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Welcome home, Faiz!

"IT’S good to be home." Those were the words of Mejar Dr Faiz Khaleed, Malaysia’s back-up astronaut, before he was whisked off just after stepping out of the KL International Airport yesterday. He arrived at 8am yesterday after his flight from Moscow via Stockholm was delayed....
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DPM: Find new markets

PETALING JAYA: Malaysia needs to increase its participation in new and rapidly growing economic areas while enhancing activities in which it was already strong to be a global leader, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said. The Deputy Prime Minister said business outsourcing, logistics, health and transport...
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Boost for east coast

THE East Coast Economic Region launched yesterday aims to propel Kelantan, Terengganu and Pahang into development powerhouses by 2020.Regional kickstart: Abdullah delivering his keynote address during the launch of the East Coast Economic Region in Kuala Terengganu Monday. — Reuters Overall, RM112bil...
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today i start to search for a vacancy againnow i realize,it some kind of hard to apply for a joband to have a jobat the same time,if i don't have enough money to go for a place far from my place for an interviewthis minute,i will know,is it good if i can manage the money and i have enough money to do what i want to do..but not all i want i can got it, isn't it?that is pain that we gain,no...
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Adab Kepada Allah

1. Anugerah dan rahmat yang diberikan oleh Allah Ta'ala kepada manusia tidak terhitung banyaknya iaitu semenjak manusia diciptakan daripada nutfah (setitis air mani) di dalam rahim ibunya sehingga dia kembali menghadap Allah s.w.t. 2. Manusia hendaklah mensyukuri segala...
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Kewajipan Ibu Bapa Terhadap Anaknya

Kedua orang tua itu mempunyai kewajipan mendidik dan mengajar anaknya berbuat baik dalam pergaulan serta adab sopan dalam hidup berumahtangga dengan suaminya. Mengenai ini ada diriwayatkan bahawa Asma' binti Kharijah Fazari berkata kepada anaknya sewaktu perkahwinan anaknya dengan berkata:...
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Thesis Viva

finally,the day has comei've finished my thesis viva this noonit's quite nervous to had this..furthermore,in front of the panels that seems like to make strange emotionsmaybe some kind of jeer..anything that we've done is silly to themeverything have mistake,got a problem..but their effort is somehow...
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Jennifer Lopez 1999 - 2007

on the 6 (1999) 1. If You Had My Love 2. Should've Never 3. Too Late 4. Feelin' So Good5. Let's Get Loud 6. Could This Be Love 7. No Me Ames (Tropical Remix) 8. Waiting For Tonight9. Open Off My Love 10. Promise Me You'll Try 11. It's Not That Serious 12. Talk About Us 13. No Me Ames 14. Una Noche...
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Tegan and Sara

Tegan and Sara - The Con (2007) Tegan Raine and Sara Keirsten Quin were born in Calgary, Alberta, on September 19th, 1980. Tegan, who's labret piercing makes it easy to tell the identical twins apart, is the older of the two by eight minutes.They both studied piano as kids, but didn't get serious about...
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Allahyarham Harris

allahyarham mohd harristhe memory still remains..and i hope it will always be the never ending memoriesin early of this morning,my house mate received a of our classmate had a sudden deathevery1 shockedevery1 never believed it..last 2days in the e-commerce class Harris..always known as "macha"
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Mengenai Nazra

Assalamualaikum.Asalnya blog ni konon-kononnya dulu aku nak menghabiskan masa lapang padahal waktu blog ni lahir dalam semester yang aku sepatutnya bergelumang dengan Final Year Project. Dulu blog ni macam tong sampah pun ada. Macam-macam aku campak kat sini. Dengan share mp3, info pasal Kedah, software...
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