A new search engine that fights climate change!
For every 1000 searches made, Ecocho grows 2 trees
- this offsets a ton of greenhouse gases.
We pay for the trees via ads on the site.
Use Yahoo technology and start eco-searching!
Ecocho is a free service, and it's one of the easiest ways people can change everyday behaviour to make a positive impact on the environment.
It allows you to search the web using your favourite search engine technology (Yahoo) and reduce greenhouse gases as you do it.
- Each time you use ecocho as your search engine, you'll be helping to slow climate change.
- How? For every 1000 searches that users make on ecocho.com, two trees will be grown to offset carbon pollution emissions
- Switching to ecocho.com doesn't alter or slow your search. Search results are displayed via technology you already know and trust - Yahoo!
- ecocho.com is the world's first known search engine that enables users to offset their own carbon emissions for free
- ecocho.com is an international initiative to reduce global warming. The service is multi-lingual and is being rolled out globally.
- Trees are grown via official Government-accredited projects.
- KPMG will run quarterly and final year-end audits on the amount of carbon credits purchased and "retired" by ecocho
- Yahoo has given its full support to the project, contributing the search results for the site
- Now everyone can help reduce global warming by switching to ecocho.com as their internet search engine
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