Saya tak pinta ini yang terjadi...
Ini lah ujian yang paling getir untuk kita berdua...
Saya pasti hati abang mesti pedih mendengar apa yang bakal saya ucapkan..tapi ketahuilah, saya pun tak pinta ini yang berlaku...
Saya tak boleh ........ mengandung. Tak boleh melahirkan anak, tak dapat berikan zuriat untuk abang.

Apakah reaksi si lelaki..adakah mereka akan rasa perkahwinan tersebut sia-sia?
Atau poligami adalah salah satu penyelesaiannya?
Alhamdulillah majlis yang melibatkan Dato' Mukhriz pada 14hb Ogos 2009 telah selesai dan majlis tu pun dah muncul kat berita stesen TV tempatan pukul 1 petang tadi.

Dalam keadaan ini, poligami diharuskan tapi terpulanglah pada lelaki itu samada dia mampu atau tidak.
ReplyDeleteThis is really a difficult question to answer and i'm glad that i don't ever have any need to answer this question and so i can proceed with my life rather peacefully.
ReplyDeleteBut just in case i'm placed in a situation that i've to answer this question, then a serious discussion is required with the spouse concerned. Whilst islam allows some leeway by allowing polygamy subject to affordability, still the matter should be discussed seriously between both husband & wife since marriage is not just a matter of physical arrangement but it involves an emotional relationship as well. It is just not so easy to say that only the husband will decide, in fact as a husband, i would prefer the wife to be more understanding and to make the offer to allow the husband to opt for polygamy if this happens to be the 2nd last option before any talk of severing the marriage.
What if the wife is not understanding enough or is not amenable to make such an offer to the husband, due to whatever reasons, selfishness included, then the husband should attempt to reason out to the wife if he feels that he has a strong reason for wanting polygamy as an option.
But then again what happen if the situation is still not resolved? I suggest that both of them perform hajat prayers asking Allah for his supreme guidance.
To me, divorcing is not an option at all and polygamy although it is allowed in islam, still requires a very careful consideration before finally proceeding with it.
Besides the hajat prayers, the main key to it all is the understanding between both the husband & the wife, they have to decide as to where their marriage is heading to. God bless them!
For me... Saya tidak rasa perkahwinan itu sia sia.
ReplyDeleteTtg poligami, saya rasa ia adalah satu cara yang Islam telah berikan bukan sahaja untuk mengelakkan masalah seperti ini.. tetapi juga mengelakkan zina...
errm.. kesian la , kalau happen benda ni dalam mana2 famili.
ReplyDeleteagak arr.
ReplyDeletetp bnda tu kalo jd kat laki lagy terok kot.