The X-Files I Want to Believe (2008) CAM XVID

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My office mate and I were just came back from Bukit Mertajam to take my office mate Celcom replacement card. While we were at Kubang Semang, one guy just show us the signal of F!@#$%^^&.We very shocked of that. Why did we got that signal? Very confused. We didn't do anything wro...
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Post yang men-ceri-kan hariku~

Kesewelan Dalam Mengejar Cita Cita Or Cinta! Milah marah marah… muka merah merah… bila di tanya kenapa, milah jawab milah nak cantik. cantik mcm mana saya tanya. milah jawab milah nak kurus. milah tak gemuk. cume milah berisi sikit, saya kata. saya tanya milah, milah kurus milah cantik ke? milah, angguk...
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Are you at job and you can only check your mails? This is your solution. WebToMail is a free service where you can receive web pages by e-mail. It's simple and very easy. Just send a mail to with the URL* of the desired web-page as subject. In a few minutes you will be receiving...
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Who am i?

1. I'm purely kedahan girl. I speak kedah language although I'm at Johore! I've got a certificate for this!2. I loves to eat and I always wonder, how big my stomach is. Is it as big as the cow have one?3. I loves pink and brown. All my clothes are in these color, except shoes. I just want to change...
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Today is yet another boring day. All my boss present today and i keep stumbling, stumbling, stumbling. Arghhh it is bored a little when you don't have any work to do. Haha, another poyo's statem...
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Turtle Odyssey 2

Turtle Odyssey 2 is a sequel of our most famous game, Turtle Odyssey. It is filled with magical atmosphere of underwater adventures. Our well-known hero, brave and kind turtle Ozzy starts the journey with an innocent game of catch, as Ozzy accidentally smacks into a slab of ice, cracking it and letting...
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The Babysitters (2007) LiMiTED DVDRip XviD

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Naruto 2 The Movie 2008 DVDRip XviD

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Puppet Show (2008) DVDRip XviD

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Vampire Diary 2007 DVDRip XviD

INFO : Sample:vampire_diary_sample.avi Download Links vampire_diary.part1.rarvampire_diary.part2.rarvampire_diary.part3.rarvampire_diary.part4.rarvampire_diary.part5.rarvampire_diary.part6.rarvampire_diary.part7.rarvampire_diary.part8.rarvampire_diary.part9...
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Miley Cyrus - Breakout (2008)

ARTIST: Miley CyrusTITLE: BreakoutLABEL: HollywoodGENRE: PopGRABBER: EAC (Secure Mode)ENCODER: LAME 3.97 / -V2 –vbr-newQUALITY: 216 Kbps Avg / 44.1 KHz / Joint StereoPLAYTIME: 0h 39min 43sec totalSIZE: 61.89MBRELEASE DATE: 2008-07-22RIP DATE: 2008-07-18 TrackLists:01. Breakout02. 7 Things03. The Driveway04....
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McFly - Radio Active (2008)

Label: SuperGenre: RockBitrate: 218kbit av.Time: 00:36:12Size: 59.51 mbStr Date: 2008-09-08 Tracklist1. Do Ya 2:532. Falling In Love 4:263. Everybody Knows 3:15 4. Smile 3:185. One For The Radio 3:066. POV 3:537. Corrupted 3:398. The Heart Never Lies 3:269. Going Through The Motions 3:2510. The Last...
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Non-stop Youtube videos

infinitubeIf you've ever wanted to keep YouTube videos playing automatically in the background (while you have a meal, do some work, or have a conversation with a boring friend), then infinitube is just the site for you! Enter some keywords above and infinitube will queue up an unlimited* number of videos matching those words for your viewing pleasure. If you're too lazy to think of your own...
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Breathing Room 2008 DVDRip XviD

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As yesterday, today is the second day all my boss went to outstation. So today my biggest task is keep stumbling using Stumble Upon and watch Korean movies at crunchyroll. Ohhh it sad too that I don't have any job, huhuVery poyo's statementAfter sign in my YM and start stumbling, the first site that...
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Limes can Lower Cholesterol, Kill Cholera, Fight Cancer and Repel Mosquitos

Limes are a green citrus fruit that grows on trees in tropical and subtropical climates. Best known for preventing scurvy on ships, they are fairly small, about 3-5cm in diameter and can be either sweet or sour in taste. Sweet limes don’t contain citric acid content; sour limes contain both a higher...
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Which one?

Today a little busy day, my friend and I went to JPN, JPJWhile we at JPJ, i discovered this word " Dilarang masuk kecuali atas urusan resmi"Erm is it "resmi" or "rasmi"?Is it "resmi"?I guess i need a Dewan Bahasa dictionary and hope so that my Bahasa Malaysia grammar are not too ...
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Diragut !

Last night, something terrible happens to us, my friend and I. While we on our way went to Penanti from BKE Lunas, Kulim, kami telah diragut!Actually my friend yang kena.There have 2 Malay guys datang dari belakang kitaorang dan dengan tidak disangka-sangka, terus ambil my friend's handbag.Unfortunately,...
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VA - 4UsOnly Summer Hits 2008 (2008)

VA - 4UsOnly Summer Hits 2008 (2008) CD1:1. Playahitty - The Summer Is Magic 2008 (3:26)2. Pussycat Dolls - When I Grow Up (4:00)3. Amy Macdonald - This Is The Life (3:06)4. Wham! - Freedom (5:20)5. Justin Timberlake - Summer Love (4:07)6. Ne-Yo - Closer (3:58)7. Alphabeat - Fascination (3:04)8....
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The Dark Knight (2008) PROPER CAM XviD

The Dark Knight (2008) PROPER CAM XviDINFO :……………………No...
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by Judy Syfers (1971)I belong to that classification of people known as wives. I am A Wife.And, not altogether incidentally, I am a mother. Not too long ago a male friend of mine appeared on the scene fresh from a recent divorce. He had one child, who is, of course, with his ex-wife. He is looking...
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25 tips by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs

by Cynthia Schmae 1. Don’t work for less than you can afford to, but do offer a discount to customers or clients who sign contracts with you. 2. Find people who will refer jobs to you. If they send you nightmare jobs, make sure they’re balanced out with rewarding (profitable!) ones. 3. Surround yourself...
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9 Simple Ways to De-stress Your Life that Actually Work

1. Breathe properly!Too many people breathe shallowly and rapidly and from the upper chest area rather than from the diaphragm.Take a few moments to check your breathing. You should be breathing from low down and not your upper chest. If you control your breathing, you control your levels of anxiety and reduce stress.2. Reduce caffeine!Any stimulant such as caffeine will prompt the heart to beat faster...
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This is an actual job application a 17-year-old boy submitted at a McDonald's fast-food establishment in Florida – and they hired him because he was so honest and funny! NAME: Greg Bulmash SEX: Not yet. Still waiting for the right person. DESIRED POSITION: Company's President or Vice President. But seriously, whatever's available. If I were in a position to be picky, I wouldn't be applying here in...
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My advance salary was "vanished" yesterday due to the shopping activities i did at Central Square, huhu.I've bought Cheetah Ladies t-shirt, lip gloss, eye liner and had KFC lunch.Yesterday i rich, today i poor, a little, hahaBut iunable to upload any pictures because i don't have any camera, oh so ...
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