Burung Layang-layang, swiftlet, walit, walet

For only RM 3,180, you can invest in bird nest industry.
Let me introduce you to walit industry. You only need to invest capital just once and there's no need for overhead cost. This industry have a guarantee market where the bird nest price are increasing due to it's quality. 1 kilogram of not yet processed bird nest sold by RM 4,500 to RM 6,000 and the price increase double in China and Hong Kong. At the end of 2006, a statistic stated that almost 36,000 bird house were exist all over Malaysia and this proved that bird nest industry grown silently and hiddenly.

Due to increase the number of Bumiputera's involvement and participation in bird nest industry, Aeroswift Consultancy Sdn Bhd (ACSB) established a collective project in a walit bird house which a person can have a share in the bird house investment for only RM 2,880 (excluding RM 250.00 for a land permission and RM 50.00 for agreement cost and stamp) and there's no maximum limit. When a bird house completely build, the bird nest can be take after 6 month to one year and the maximum income are from RM 60,000 and above after 3 years.

Those who are interested, you can e-mel to
uminazrah@aeroswift.net or admin@aeroswift.net or just visit our webiste at www.aeroswift.net for further information.


  1. Tengok ke tajuk, cepat aje datang..ingatkan Naz nak bagi hadiah duit ke....hehehe..tengah tak dak duit ni..

  2. sis tirana - naz pn ngah dok cari duit jgk nih, haha ^_^

  3. kapten - tamau join kah..haha

  4. ceritala ngan lebih teliti sket

  5. DH - bleh ja click kt swiftlet utk mklumat lanjut..

  6. cm menarik je..
    bnyk duit leh dpt ke ni?
    xnk la merompak bank je..hehe

  7. nasri - mesti lah byk sbb setiap bulan hasil tuaian sarang burung @ bird nest akan meningkat..

  8. tp bnyk le kne pkai duit..
    free leh x?

  9. nasri - ish2 kena kuar duit ckit sblm dpt yg lg byk ^_^

  10. rainazra.blogspot.com; You saved my day again.


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