Real-DRAW Pro 4.0

Create professional web or multimedia graphics from simple images, buttons, banners to whole interactive web page and rollovers. Real-DRAW Pro happily combine vector, 2D, 3D and bitmap editing in one drawing package. It seamlessly moves from one form to another, eliminating time-consuming conversion operations and the need for multiple drawing packages. Unlike other graphics packages Real-DRAW PRO offers a fresh new approach for creating graphics. It gives users unlimited creative power with tools you can hardly find in other packages.

Real-DRAW PRO is a uniquely versatile application with no limit to the quality and style of output. You can create for example:
* Realistic 3D drawings using familiar 2D vector tools.
* Airbrush illustrations
* Web pages
* Painted art
* Photo-realistic imagery
* 3D scenes, photo clones and much more

Real-DRAW PRO combines many artistic creative methods into one application:

Vector Editing. Flexibility first! Any object you create is editable all the time. You can change shapes, group objects, move them in layers, resize, edit envelopes etc. Any object has its own changeable properties like color, texture, outline, lights, material, transparency, multiple 3D effects, bevels, shadows, motion blur and much more.

Bitmap Editing. Unlike in a normal vector editor you can actually paint directly onto any vector object using airbrushes, 3D or Artistic brushes and special Image Nozzles. You can paint on the canvas and the strokes will become another object to which you can apply effects, just as with vector objects. No other program can do this.

3D Effects. You can apply various bevels and extrude effects to any object or bitmap to create perfect three-dimensional work. You can get even closer to rendered-like image by applying an unlimited number of 3D lights to any object or by changing its material properties. For example, Real-DRAW PRO makes it very easy to create realistic metallic textures - often a big problem in standard vector drawing packages.

Web Page HTML Slicer. Use any of the amazing effects Real-Draw can offer to create a great graphics and then export it as a web page with rollovers, links and a text. The HTML Slicer is a visual tool which assist you to create web page without the suffering from creating HTML tables and working code in web editor.

Illustration Package. The combination of Real-DRAW's tools allows you to create drawings in your style - illustrations, 3D render simulations, airbrush work, you name it - you have the control.

Multimedia Graphics generator. With Real-DRAW you can design a whole scene and add fully-functional buttons (which is now easier than ever using Packages). Then you can export it directly to Multimedia Builder or generate a script in any language you want - you can create HTML, XML, Java, Java Script or even a whole web page using CSS (Cascading Style Sheets).

SVG editor. As if this isn't enough, Real-DRAW can also be used as an SVG editor (Scaleable Vector Graphics supported by all XML enabled web-browsers) with import/export support of color fills, outlines and transparencies.

Mega Render. Design small, render big! A special Mega Render export module allows you to render the design into much larger image sizes if you need them. Mega Render will not just resize the image, but it will add more texture detail as well.

Export to Adobe Photoshop. You can export the whole design into Adobe Photoshop keeping all the layers, transparency channels, shadow layers and layer names as you created them in Real-DRAW.

New in Real-DRAW PRO 4.0:
* New customizable interface (menu, toolbars, shortcuts, hide toolbars, dockable, stackable (tab) etc...).
* GIF output/input (but not in slicer yet) - GIF plugin is no longer needed.
* Folders in Texture Combo - simply add subfolders to the /Textures folder, put some image files in them and start RD. these then should appear near the top in texture combo box.
* Pressure sensitive pen now works on whole pressure range > 255.
* Color Memory - now Right Click on box will also add color, left click will recall the color.
* The size/position of multiselected/grouped objects can be edited via Dimensions panel.
* Status bar now display the size/position of multiselected/grouped objects (within mouse manipulation).
* Multiselected/grouped objects can be rotated/fliped. Limitation: temporarily multiselected (not permanently grouped) objects cannot be rotated by freehand Rotate (you can still use menu Object >> Rotate).
* Function "Smooth Node" finally makes the selected Bezier point smooth in both directions Now you can convert Rectangle to Circle/Ellipse by change its points from Sharp to Smooth and without handle editing.
* Added the possibility to change the width/height of the selected object (object/multiselection/group/package) via keyboard (like object move but with SHIFT)
* Shift + arrow key = resize for 1 pixel
* Shift + CTRL + arrow key = resize for number of pixels defined by grid
* Solved(?) the problem with shortcuts and lost focus from the main window. If the focus i set in property pane, all shortcut keys (except the below mentioned) should be sent to the main application window.
* If you wish to switch focus back to main window (for example from Layers pane) and without the need to click anywhere in workspace or by selecting an object, simply press the ESC key. This will return the focus back to the main window.
* Added realtime dimensions indicator to status bar (X,Y => W x H). From now, if you create new object or change the object's Size/Position, you will see the real-time changes of object position (left/top corner)/size in RD status bar. The same apply for the rest of mouse dragging tools, like Selection rectangle, Export Crop,...
* Freehand (Pencil) tool can now be terminated via simple right click.
* Buttons in "Special Tools" toolbar now works as switches. Pressed button = activated pane.
* Added new UI and Pane visual themes (menu View/Interface View/Pane Themes).
* Added Load/Save/Reset UI/Panel layout. From now you can save/load your own custom UI layouts.
* Added CapsLock indicator to status bar.
* Menu View/Panes (previously View/Properties) is now sorted like "Special Tools" toolbar.

* !!! The RD rotate code is completely overhauled! The objects should no longer be deformed or resized!
* Fixed the Dimensions panel refresh after Object rotation.
* Fixed UI refresh bug if clicked on group/single object.
* The Dimension panel is now updated while creating multiselection object by Shift + Left Mouse.
* The object numbers are shown in multiselection with group objects.
* The size of freehand point is always 0x0 (as it should be).
* Fixed info in status bar when adding a group object to a multiselection.
* Push-Back/LensFlare effect no longer destroys the image on which is applied. The "Update Bitmap From Original" is now automatically done after selecting NoEffect.
* Fixed bug that cause disappearance of the contents of the Styles >> Objects window after pressing ESC/ENTER key.
* Polygon objects (Rectangle, Circle,..) are now converted to envelope in a single step (simple by selecting "Convert to.." >> "Envelope").
* Fixed the resizing of multiselected or grouped objects. The opposite side of the resized border should not move (as it did previously).
* The default height of horizontal (or width of vertical) line in dimensions dialog is now 0 (as it should be).
* Fixed the Crash bug in Reset Standard toolbar.
* Fixed the F1 bug which opens two IE windows with RD Help.
* Fixed the bug in Dimensions window, which could freeze the panel (after entering characters instead of numbers).
* Fixed (finally) the bug with bad refresh of Layers pane after "Transparency/Mask >> From Object" operation.
* Fixed the "Missing Textures" warning dialog (application hang)...this time for double click on rdw file.
* Fixed the bad refresh of Dimensions window while moving the object with cursor keys and CTRL.
* Fixed the Maximize/Restore window bug.
* Fixed the Zoom & Crop canvas problem. The Zoom level is now preserved after Crop canvas operation. The same apply for Project/Trim Canvas, Project/Trim Canvas (+Padding).
* Fixed the bug after change of Canvas size >> the Canvas size is now correctly updated in RD status bar.
* Fixed the bug with unsaved position of Tools toolbar at the RD exit. Toolbar position is now saved.
* Fixed the bug in shortcut keys customization.
* Fixed ESC & Paint Bitmap tool problem (incorrectly terminated tool).
* Fixed bug with bad refresh of Layers pane after "Transparency/Mask >> From Object" operation (the same problem remains in "Transparency/Mask >> From Object - Inverted").
* Fixed bug in Export Crop tool, which stay in "Export Crop" state after repeated clicking of Export Crop tool and without selection region.
* Fixed Pencil behavior that prevented immediately drawing after closing the freehand line. Now if you snap the end point and start point of the drawing line, the line will be closed and new line can be immediately drawn.
* Fixed bug in Pencil tool that jump the drawn point to a shifted position.
* Fixed refresh in Export Crop tool.
* Fixed Export Crop snap on right-bottom corner of working area.
* Fixed missing textures "Warning" dialog.
* Fixed zooming with +/- keys and with focus on Zoom ComboBox or a tool pane.
* Fixed several missing/incorrect tooltips and status bar help strings.
* Fixed a potential crash in Pop Art effect.
* Fixed error message "An unsupported Operation was attempted".
* Fixed the "Missing Textures" warning dialog (application hang).
* Fixed crash when docked "Brushes" window and restarted application/Paint New Bitmap tool.
* Fixed ESC & Paint New Bitmap tool (except close the tool over [x] button bug).
* Fixed the "Color Memory" selection bug.
* Fixed termination of Line tool.
* Fixed apply in "Dimensions" tool.
* Fixed size of document window when docked "Brushes" window.
* Fixed "missing mouse" problem after confirming the trial window.
* Fixed "missing tab" in new project (at application start).
* Fixed the "Quick Tools" range in Star object.
* Fixed wrong cursor after Realtime Rotate.
* Fixed various window blinking effects at application start.
* Fixed rounding in Zoom edit and direct entering the values into edit.
* The range of Zoom is now the same both for [+] [-] keys and Zoom selection box (10-800).
* Fixed empty "Export Preview" and "Paint New Bitmap" edit view.
* Fixed refresh of all windows if you use New Window command.
* Fixed jumping toolbar if moving the selected object.
* Fixed draw line and immediately dragging pen width.
* Fixed Zoom workspace with + and - keys.
* Many internal code fixes and improvements (not visible on the first sight).

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