"Kita makan untuk hidup, bukan hidup untuk makan"Namun persoalannya, mengapakah kita lapar seringkali lapar di bulan puasa ini? Adakah kerana kita betul-betul lapar? Atau ianya hanya mainan perasaan akibat digodek-godek oleh tusukan pujukan "syaitan" yang padahal diikat di bulan Ramadhan ini? Menurut definasinya di dalam bahasa Inggeris menyatakan lapar itu bermaksud
Merasa lapar (sedangkan maksud lapar itu sendiri belum dikupaskan); mempunyai suatu perasaan teruja terhadap selera makan; dan mempunyai semangat yang bersungguh-sungguh.
Pendek kata, tiadalah maksud lapar yang tepat pula ingin disampaikan.
Walaubagaimanapun, terdapat 6 sebab kenapa kita suka makan tanpa merasa lapar. Inilah 6 kategori kumpulan pemakan makanan tersebut di dalam bahasa Inggeris. Malas pulak daku nak mengalihbahasakan ayat-ayat tersebut.
1.Individuals that eat for pleasure. These are the so-called
real gourmands. Their sense must be stimulated by various flavors and scents of the different foods. These individuals do not have to change food habits. Their attitude regarding food is the right one. If they grow fat, they should give up fats and carbohydrates and eat more fruits and green vegetables.
2.There are people who eat as a remedy against boredom. This is the most difficult type to fight with. They must make a change in their way of thinking and recognize that boredom is not such a terrible thing, but something that determines the brain to rest.
3.Some persons employ food as a substitute for sex/love. This type of behavior affects especially women. Those experiencing this should practice their self-esteem and discover their resources, virtues and skills.
4.One category is made up of those using food as reward. These persons must think of other things as well. They need tasks that could offer them entertainment on a short term: an aromatic bath, a phone conversation with a friend, watching a movie, reading and so on.
5.There are people eating as a remedy against the stress. For this category it is also essential to look for alternative activities with a similar function, like yoga or the physical closeness to his/her partner.
6.Some individuals eat as a remedy against frustration. For these people it could be utile to remember moments in which we eliminate the frustration through massages or a sport competition and to encourage and repeat these experiences.
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